Introducing our Guest Organist: Janet Gibbs

Janet Gibbs: Guest Organist

Scholars Pro Musica (now Scholars Baroque Aotearoa) are incredibly honoured to have Janet Gibbs join them for their first concert of the 2017 season. She will be accompanying the choir on St Peters' Johannes pipe organ for the performance of Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo, otherwise known affectionately as The Little Organ Mass. 

Janet Gibbs was born and educated in New Zealand and she has had a prolific career in New Zealand and Melbourne. She began playing piano in early childhood and gained ATCL and LTCL in piano performance while still at secondary school. She graduated from Auckland University with a Bachelor of Music, whilst concurrently gaining valuable training as a chorister and organist at St Mary’s Cathedral and achieving LRSM and FTCL in organ performance.

Later, Janet undertook a period of study in England and Europe, where she gained her ARCO, FRCO and ARCM (Hons) diplomas in organ performance. Her experiences have encompassed concerts, recitals, recordings, overseas concert tours, rehearsals for innumerable choirs, soloists, orchestras and solo instrumentalists.

She has recorded works for the RNZ Concert programme, and performed in many Cathedrals, Town Halls and churches in New Zealand and abroad. Now residing in Auckland, Janet is currently Director of Music at All Saints Church Ponsonby. She is increasingly in demand as concert and rehearsal accompanist for many choirs in the wider Auckland area.

Returning to the city where her serious studies began symbolises a rewarding homecoming to the foundation of her career.